How do I connect my project to Procore with the Procore integration?

Logging into myComply with Procore Single Sign On and linking your Procore account with your myComply account for use with Projects Pro.

1) The first step to setting up the Procore Integration with myComply is to head to the login on myComply's main website and click the square yellow Login button to go to the login options:

mycomply login 1

2) Once at the Login options page, select/click the orange button that says 'LOG IN WITH PROCORE':

mycomply procore SSO

3) Clicking this will take you to Procore's login page, proceed to login with your Procore credentials: 

mycomply procore login

4) After logging into Procore with your Procore credentials you will be redirected to myComply and you should now be able to see "Integrations' under your company settings: 

mycomply procore - settings

5) Click the settings cog wheel and a secondary tray should appear with multiple settings, including one called "Integrations':

mycomply procore - settings - integrations

6) Click 'Integrations' and a card in the middle of the screen should pop up, click 'Link to Procore':

mycomply procore - settings - integrations - link to procore

6) Once you click the 'Link to Procore' button another window should pop up with a drop-down selector, select your company from the list: 

mycomply procore - settings - integrations - link to procore 2

7) Once you've selected your company you need to click the 'Link to Procore" button to complete the integration:

mycomply procore - settings - integrations - link to procore - complete link

8) Once you click the 'Link to Procore' button you should have completed the link and can now use the integrations functionality on your projects in Projects Pro.