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myComply Bluetooth Badge Instructions

This is a how to of the myComply Bluetooth badge and it's use out of the box

Here are the steps to using a myComply badge

  1.  Turn on the badge, just above the myComply logo on the badge there is a button.
    Bluetooth card Button placement
  2. Press and hold the button until the blue light in the top left-hand corner is flashing (the light is located next to the button)
    Bluetooth Card Light placement
  3. Once complete, you will need to program the badge using the Smart Badges section of the Company or Project.

myComply Bluetooth badges are able to be reset. 

To reset a Bluetooth badge, reach out to support@mycomply.net with pictures of the back of the card you would like reset.

Highlighted area for important information when reseting a bluetooth badgeAbove is a photo of the important information to send when a reset is required on a Bluetooth Badge.